No specific medical expertise is required to administer the test, the product does all the hard work. The people administering the test need to do basic functions like turn the power on, adjust the chin/forehead rest and use a simple, intuitive app on the iPad. EyeGuide will train the trainer either in person or via a video call so that the customer can manage their own training as they wish.
EyeGuide is not a diagnostic tool so any suspected concussions should be managed in accordance with the SCAT process and any policies from your league. As detailed in the concussion in sport consensus paper, eye tracking tools such as EyeGuide can be used to gather objective data as an addition to, but separate from, the diagnostic process.
EyeGuide assesses oculomotor function (or more simply eye movement) therefore the parts of the brain that relate to eye movement can be monitored and the parts of the brain that are not related to eye movement can not. As a result it is not a comprehensive assessment of brain function but rather an indicator than some brain function may be impaired and requires further assessment.
EyeGuide is currently being used in most football codes including rugby union, rugby league, soccer, Australian Rules, American football and Gaelic Football at both professional and amateur level.
EyeGuide is designed to be affordable for all teams. There is a Professional model and also a lower cost Standard model for budget constrained customers. Please contact us for detailed pricing.
Following an incident EyeGuide will typically detect an immediate and pronounced deviation from the athlete's baseline by 2 or more standard deviations. In contrast the deviation when a person is fatigued is more gradual and less dramatic. The EyeGuide 9 level ranking system is specifically designed so that even if there is some underlining fatigue in a person, the pronounced deviation following a sporting incident will still be visible.
No, the unit is designed so that it doesn't need regular servicing or calibration.
EyeGuide has been independently assessed in terms of ICC reliability index, exercise effect, age effect, sex effect, intra athlete reproducibility, inter athlete, sensitivity and specificity. For details on these studies please contact us.
EyeGuide is fully registered with the TGA in Australia. Please contact us for further details.
It is ideal to have a healthy state baseline but if you do have an incident without a baseline in place you can still be tested. The system will use the community average baseline (ie the average of all healthy baselines in the system) to compare against.