Yarra Junior Football League successfully completes EyeGuide pilot across 10,000 players in largest ever AFL rollout
Published Date : December 13, 2021
In March 2021 Yarra Junior Football League (YJFL) in Melbourne announced the largest rollout of eye tracking technology in AFL history across 10,000 amateur players for the 2021 season. YJFL was the first AFL football league to adopt the cutting-edge technology, with Mornington Junior Football League and Essendon District Football league now following suit in Melbourne.
Tim Murray, YJFL CEO said “Over the past few years we have invested heavily in ensuring our game is safe, and that includes engaging with independent experts, conducting research and using qualified medics at every YJFL game.”
During the 2021 season players who were suspected of a concussion were first assessed at the ground by Colbrow Medics and an assessment was completed in accordance with the AFL guidelines. The players were then assessed by a doctor to either diagnose a concussion or clear the player to return to play. Once a formal diagnosis was made by a doctor, the players were then independently “blind” tested by YJFL using an EyeGuide device and the result compared to the diagnosis of the doctor. At the end of the season YJFL engaged NeuroSports Labs to analyse the date and report the results.
The results showed that the sensitivity of the EyeGuide device at HIA3 stage to be 85% and the specificity to be 70% which is a very positive result.
Shane Keating, CEO of EyeGuide, said that “the strong results of the independent YJFL study proved that EyeGuide could be used in conjunction with the existing AFL guidelines to produce an objective assessment of the injury and the recovery.”
“The feedback from the players and parents was that the objective data and easy to understand reports helped players and parents understand what was happening. The parents said the process of the follow up phone calls from YJFL and the follow up EyeGuide testing reinforced the need to follow the return to play protocols,” said Mr Keating.
Mr. Murray said that in addition to the statistical analysis to prove EyeGuide worked as it should, a key objectives for the YJFL pilot was to encourage parents and coaches to have open discussions about concussion with players and help them to feel comfortable reporting symptoms. “It’s a cultural change we are looking to drive. There are still stigmas around concussion, which means reporting is not necessarily accurate. This is why EyeGuide’s objective data is important. At the same time we need teammates to look out for each other, know what to look for and more importantly we need to foster a culture that encourages our players to talk openly about concussion and follow the protocols”, said Mr Murray.
For a copy of the independent report please contact EyeGuide.